The Lordian Group GDPR & Privacy Policy
What Is GDPR
General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679) is the European legislation, which is effective from 25th May 2018.
GDPR is replacing the existing UK Data Protection Act and it provides additional legal rights for individuals against organisation who process their personal data.
Who Are We and How to Contact Us
We are The Lordian Group and we can be contacted using the following details
E mail; legal@lordian.biz
Phone; 0845 152 0398
Registered Office; 5 Calder House, Southgate, Elland, West Yorkshire, HX5 0DA, United Kingdom
We are committed to ensuring that your personal data is processed in accordance with this policy so please read it carefully, and let us know if you have any queries.
How We Will Process Your Personal Data
1) Lawfully, Fairly and Transparently
We are processing your data because you have provided us consent by agreeing to this policy or to meet our legal requirements.
You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting using the details above.
We have a legitimate interest to do so in order for us to continue to provide you our services/goods or to meet our legal requirements.
2) Why Are We Holding Your Data
We will only process your personal data for the following purposes;
a) to enable us to provide you the services/goods
b) to keep you updated with our latest news.
3) What Data Are We Holding
We will only hold sufficient personal data to enable us to undertake the purposes set out in clause 2 above. If you believe the personal data we are holding is excessive then please contact us.
4) Is All The Personal Data We Hold Relevant
We shall only hold the amount of data necessary to provide you the services. If you feel that any Personal Data we request is excessive or not required then please contact us.
5) Keeping Your Personal Data Accurate
You are responsible for ensuring that all personal data provided by you is accurate and advise us as soon as possible of any amendments required.
We may request that you confirm the accuracy of your personal data, which you are required to respond to within 14 days
Failure provide or keep your personal data up to date may result in us ceasing to provide the services to you.
6) Storing And Deleting Your Personal Data
We shall store all electronic personal data on a separate server. We shall not store your personal data on any hard-drive of any IT hardware owned or used by us.
We shall store your personal data for duration of the services we provide you with (including any renewal or extension periods) plus 5 years.
If you wish your personal data to be deleted prior to the timescales above, you should contact us and we will action such request within 7 working days.
7) Protecting Your Personal Data
We are undertaking all reasonable security measures including but not limited to storing the personal data on a separate server, securing the site where personal data is held is secure.
What To Do If You Believe There Is a Personal Data Breach
If you suspect there has been a potential or actual breach of your personal data then you should contact us as soon as possible detailing the nature of the breach (Notice of Breach).
We will acknowledge your Notice of Breach within 3 working days and investigate the breach within an additional 7 working days.
If through the investigation we determine that there has been a personal data breach, then we will take all necessary action in order to rectify the situation and minimalise any potential or actual damage caused through such a personal data breach.
We will communicate with you regarding the action being taken.
We will comply with any guidelines issued by the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) in relation to Personal Data Breach’s, including notifying the ICO when required to do so.
Do We Share Your Personal Data
We shall not transfer or share your personal data with any 3rd parties
We will use reasonable endeavours to ensure that the 3rd parties stated above comply with GDPR and we will advise you if any 3rd parties change.
When We Act as a Data Processor For You
When you are the data controller who has permitted us to process personal data held by you, then you shall ensure that you have the full consent/rights of the data subject that their personal data being passed to us. You are fully responsible for ensuring that the personal data processed by you and passed to us complies with all principles of GDPR.
If you are a business or organisation then by signing this policy your business/organisation is committed to being GDPR compliant and has taken all reasonable actions to achieve this.
Changes To This Policy
We reserve the right to amend this policy at any time.
If you have any questions relating to this Policy, please e-mail legal@lordian.biz or use the General Enquiry form on the Contact page of the Website